
Demo of Eleventy based static site. This content is written using markdown file. The source of this file is present in source branch. Source branch is also the default branch for this repo.

Code Syntax highlighting

Below block is highlighted for JS syntax. Eleventy uses prism as the syntax highlighter. You can use bunch themes with prism highlighter. Check css directory for few.

// https://github.com/preactjs/preact/blob/master/src/component.js

* Base Component class. Provides `setState()` and `forceUpdate()`, which
* trigger rendering
* @param {object} props The initial component props

export function Component(props, context) {
this.props = props;
this.context = context;


Below table can help you understand how to read the code to understand how this usecase was implemented.

File Description
index.md This is file which generated the html you are reading.
layout2.njk TBD

More information on how to add custom classes in markdown-it is available here. In this section the table is added a custom class mapping to give it stripes. Configuration is available in .eleventy.js file

Column splitting

First column

This column gets 2/3 of total width.

kitten 1 kitten 2 kitten 3

second column:

  • This column takes 1/3 of the total width available for the main container.
  • This sections also shows how to include images in the page
  • More info on column splitting in markdown here.

Custom styling the header

Can also work with inline text. Hover over me. This type of custom classes called .special is also added to the kitten images above. More info on how to add custom attributes including classes to markdown is available here.

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  • tags